What is Vision Therapy

According to the American Optometric Association, vision therapy is a sequence of neurosensory and neuromuscular activities individually prescribed and monitored by the doctor to develop, rehabilitate, and enhance visual skills and processing.

At Zenith Vision Development Center, a vision therapy program is developed for each induvial patient based on their symptoms, a comprehensive eye health examination, a sensorimotor and visual perceptual evaluation, and takes into consideration the goals of each patient. Depending on the type of problem found, sometimes glasses can help. If glasses won’t solve the vision problem, vision therapy may be recommended.

During a vision therapy session, a patient will work with a vision therapist under doctor supervision. Different activities and treatments will be performed to help a patient better develop and enhance their visual system and skills. Just as a physical therapist might use treadmills or weights to help their patients, a vision therapist uses a variety of equipment, including the use of lenses, prisms, filters, computerized systems, and specialized equipment to conduct vision therapy sessions.

In our office, we may use many interactive computer programs that our younger patients enjoy and that result in long-lasting success. Not only do the programs offer a proven, more effective method of delivering therapy, but the engaging nature of the programs keeps the patients motivated to work. We find that results come quicker and stronger for our patients when utilizing this newest equipment.
The length of the therapy program depends on the severity of diagnosis, age, and goals of each patient. Vision therapy programs typically involve one to two in-office sessions each week and programs can typically range from several months to longer periods of time. The scope of the treatment plan will be fully explained during your consultation.